Posts Tagged Emotional Detox

Mal Weeraratne’s simple body-work techniques

Emotional Detox through Bodywork by Mal Weeraratne |

During the last number of years, it has been acknowledged more than ever that there is a connection between mental and physical well-being and that mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being. Mental health issues have been on the increase globally and even more so over the last 3 years resulting from the global world-wide pandemic, Covid-19. A person’s health is one of, if not the, most important possessions a person can have. Mal Weeraratne has been most of his life learning about and understanding the root causes of health and well-being and has dedicated his book ‘Emotional Detox Through Bodywork: A Woman’s Guide to Healing and Awakening’ to answering questions relating to how to heal and recovery from an imbalance within one’s body. As a pioneer in his field, Mal Weeraratne developed a ground-breaking approach to mental and physical well-being through the Body Therapy. Using a technique called Emotional Detox, the patient can experience relief from issues arising from the interaction between the body and the mind.

It is the premise of ancient eastern techniques, that there is a connection between the body and the mind and when there is an imbalance of either body or mind, this can seriously impact the other. In other words, a person born with a disability or a genetic illness, cannot be said to have “caused” this by themselves and that rather this is an outcome of circumstances over which they have had no control. This in turn may cause hardship on the individual’s life which affects their outlook, rendering them mentally imbalanced. A mental imbalance can be experienced as depression, thoughts of self-harm, or result in choices which are not favorable for that person, such as toxic or co-dependent relationships.

Likewise, when a person experiences an imbalance in their mental well-being, which could also result from genetics or chemical predispositions or resulting from them observing their exterior world and identifying problems and issues which cause them undue stress, resulting in disorders such as insomnia, weight loss or weight gain, an imbalance in hormones and so on. Similarly, that imbalance can affect the physical health of an individual and manifest in diseases such as heart problems, lowered immune systems which can result in susceptibility to contracting opportunistic bacteria and viruses, or leaving the body prone to the likes of irritable bowel syndrome, acne and chronic pain and fatigue.

No matter the source of a physical or mental problem, imbalances in one aspect of the person’s body can affect other aspects of the body in a never-ending cycle of ill-health, disease and even be the cause of accidents in their workplace or social life, as well as increasing thoughts of self-harm.

Mal Weeraratne’s simple body-work techniques will alleviate the body of ailments and illnesses which it suffers as the result of mental or physical health. As a wellness practitioner, the techniques used are non-invasive and complimentary to any of the usual allopathic treatments which a person may be using meaning there is no risk to the individual. If you are someone who can relate to the idea of augmenting your usual therapies, Mal Weeraratne may just have the answer you are looking for.

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Dynamics and benefits of the energy systems

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How many times lately have you heard someone comment on how the world seems to be going mad and the people around you along with it. Times are financially stressful and this is the day and age of fast-paced technology which affects all aspects of life from social interaction to sporting activies and entertainment, to the business world and work environment. When you stop and look around you and ask yourself, are you going mad too, its time to think about your health and well-being both physical and mental. Too often we find ourselves so busy the demands and activities of our lives, the lives of our families and the general business of the times, that we stop thinking about ourselves.

Something to remember is that as energy beings, we can only maintain our own balanced functioning if we stop and look after ourselves so as to fill up our energy jugs. When your energy jug is half empty, you have less to give to others and become less able to be the best that you can be at anything, let alone look after yourself. The jug of energy that is our body does not function well on half-full and certainly less well as the jug dries up. This is when you start to become a burden to yourself and others and couldn’t be further from your true potential if you tried. Mal Weeraratne has a very clear understanding of this lack of energy affects the body and mind and in all of his practices involving tantra and energy, Mal Weeraratne knows how to help you to regain your balance.

Being off balance can lead to a lack of drive and passion which can affect not only your intimate life but your general well-being. When you lack energy, you lack inspiration and life becomes like drudging through mud. Mal Weeraratne can lighten the burden of your energy drain and re-establish balance and bring you back to a state of joy. With joy comes the ability to love yourself and in turn to be able to love others. Mal Weeraratne is a certified tantra educator and has inspired thousands of women and returned them to the natural state of well-being through the simple techniques which he has studied for years. After establishing the school of healing and awakening, author Mal Weeraratne, produced his bestselling book, Emotional Detox, in order to facilitate women and men throughout the country and internationally to understand the dynamics and benefits of the energy systems in the body.

Releasing blocked tantric energy helps men and women alike to find their way to the best version of themselves that they can be meaning that the search for the authentic you can begin. With the techniques utilised in balancing tantric energy, your jug be restored to its natural state and you will not only be able to see your life and the people in it more clearly, but you will also be able to give to others establishing a positive and healthy life for yourself and your loved ones. Tantra has the power to heal.

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Tantra will help clear emotional and physical ailments

The ancient art of Tantra is tainted by the judgements and perceptions of those who presume, without foundation, that tantra is all about the physical act of achieving sustained and continuous climax  using methods which allow a couple to remain engaged in the physical act for extended periods of time, purely with the goal of remaining in that heightened state of utter enthralment for longer periods of time. This makes tantra appear to be a very selfish act geared towards self-gratification between couples. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. As Tanta master, Mal Weeraratne explains, tantra only works when there is heightened trust and connection between men and women who are connected on the deepest and most grounded level that the base chakra is responsible for. Western views often misconstrue the practice as being purely physical and negate the spiritual aspects of tantra and tantric practices. Tantra is the achievement of a lifelong spiritual journey achieved only by truly and spiritually understanding oneself in order to essentially connect with another.

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The body is more than just the physical. The body is a complex network of physical, emotional and energetic centres that work in unison. When one or more of these aspects of the body are in a negative state, this can product the block in the energy centres thereby stopping the natural processing of the physical body. The more that energy finds itself misplaced or misdirected, the more change of a person experiencing discomfort or disease in the physical aspects of the body.

What is misunderstood about Tantra, explains Mal Weeraratne, is that is has the ability to facilitate the body back to functioning is it was always meant to. Physical ailments and problems which some of the patients who come to Mal Weeraratne, looking for answers, can be remedied naturally and easily, with Mal Weeraratne’s expertise and understanding of the energy systems in our bodies. Ailments including Vaginismus, depression and anxiety, addictions, insomnia, stress, body aches and so forth can be relieved using this ancient eastern technique.

Notwithstanding the physical aspects, so too can Tantra assist with a number of emotions issues which both men and women may manifest in their relationships with themselves and others. Relationship issues, arousal disorders, inability to trust a partner, fear of love and intimacy and insecurity resulting from a lack of confidence can be diffused through this simple practice which instil trust and returns the body to its natural self-healing state, enabling more honest and truthful relationships.

Those who misunderstand Tantra will tell you that Tantra is all physical but the reality is that it is more to do with focusing on the connection which is why it is more often than not, a source of great healing which can be seen in many parts of your life. Tantra allows the body to flow energy freely throughout the body so that it reaches every part for many hours after the practice has ended.

If you are someone who is currently suffering from one of the physical or emotional ailments mentioned, Mal Weeraratne is based in central London and practices 7 days a week. Explore the opportunity to release negative emotions and restore your body and mind to balanced health again.

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Emotional Detox healing for women

Image result for mal weeraratne and the femaleEnergy medicine is a return to the ancient techniques of health and well-being which was well understood by mostly those from the Eastern cultures. In the West, the understanding of energy and subsequently energy medicine, came about in line with the development of science and empirical measurement. Western society as a whole has only learnt to embrace energy as the result of scientific development. Eastern cultures innately understood that there were more aspects to the body than meets the physical eye. As a result, Eastern modalities understand and utilise many aspects which the Western world has taken longer to embrace. Mal Weeraratne is someone who has taken the innate knowledge from the East and developed this knowledge into Emotional Detox through Bodywork. Mal Weeraratne has studied and practiced his skills for many years. It is because of his deep understanding of the three aspects of the physical, spiritual and energetic, or emotional body, and his years of study, which have allowed him to grow into one of the foremost Western energy practitioners.

Applying his understanding of Taoism and Tantric Buddhism, Mal Weeraratne works with the energy centers of the body which are referred to as the chakras. There are 7 main chakras, or energy centers,  which are spinning wheels of energy located throughout the center-line of the body, from the base of your body to the top, or crown, of your head. Each one of the chakra’s have their own colour and “attributes” and they are there to govern specific organs and endocrines (glands).  Identifying which of the chakra’s are out of balance is the first step in identifying where in the body, negative energy or stress is situated. And in extreme cases, they may also already disease within the physical body as a result of the storage of that negative energy which may be disrupting the chakra wheel.

Emotional Detox through bodywork focuses, through the chakra’s, right down into the lowest level of human physiology which is situated at cellular level, in order to access the emotions which are stored in the memory of the cell itself. All memories which are charged with an emotional trigger, be it positive or negative, can find themselves stored at the level of cellular memory. It is these stored emotional cellular memories which perpetuate through our lives as our fundamental belief systems. Our belief systems lead us to react or behave in the specific ways that we do, as they form the basis of our understanding of life. This is perfectly acceptable, except when these believe systems are either affecting us in a negative way, such as perpetuating behaviors or thought-patterns which impact our lives in an adverse way, such as holding us back from being the best version of ourselves, or simply not serving us any longer.

Emotional Detox is a structured practice which addresses all the parts of the release, from emotional to physical. Mal Weeraratne practices with understanding of the 3 aspects of our bodies interact and come together to either build us up or break us down, allowing us to physically release these from the body.

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Holistic Emotional Bodywork

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Developed by Mal Weeraratne from Emotional Detox, Emotional Detox Through Bodywork (EDTB) is a practice of healing and awakening based which has been developed based on the philosophies of both Tantra and Tao. Also known as Emotional Release, Emotional detox is in principle the same as any other type of physical or emotional detox for the body. Just as you might cease or curb the intake of certain aspects of your diet, to improve the body’s ability to flush out all existing toxins thereby giving it a new start from which it can better respond so can you expect the same effects when engaging in Emotional Detox with Mal Weeraratne.

The complex emotional matrix in the body is affected by the thousands of events and situations which we encounter as we go through life, beginning from when we are in vetro. Responding to the outside world, people and feelings which we experience we internalise our emotions which, if not expressed or processed in some way, can get stuck in the body. All of our organs, endocrines, and body parts are symbolic in the whole that is our physical body and all have the responsibility of helping us to process our emotions. Mental and emotional triggers can lead to diseases such as depression, insomnia, cancer or diabetes. Releasing trapped or stagnant emotions and traumas as part of an emotional detox affords the body the ability to start again from a significantly healthier stand-point.

Emotional Detox Through Bodywork by Mal Weeraratne is an alternative healing modality which is transformative and a powerful in that it is capable of releasing immense trauma even down to cellular level. Emotional release at a cellular level can bring about a remarkable emotional and physical transformation literally changing lives and transforming a person’s entire physical and emotional body.

Benefits of EDTB with Mal Weeraratne include alleviating the symptoms of the disease such as emotional and chemical afflictions such as stress, tension and depression; increasing one’s drive for intercourse and reducing any fears or pain associated with the physical act. This in itself can increase one’s confidence and restore a person’s sense of self-worth and belonging. Increase confidence and self esteem in turn curbs low views of body confidence and self-inflicted body shame issues. Not to mention physical difficulties such as PMS and period pains, or any other associated dysfunctions.

Mal Weeraratne’s Emotional Detox is a holistic approach and works with the mind-body connections which link the three different energy bodies, namely: physical body, energetic or emotional body and the spiritual body.

Mal Weeraratne’s EDTB sessions are performed while the person is fully clothed and include 5 steps:

  1. Talking, listening and questions
  2. The setting of intentions for the purpose of the session so to address the reasons why the session or sessions are required
  3. Kundalini meditation and yoga for relaxation to help calm the body-mind
  4. Bodywork in the form of deep tissue massage to transform areas of unresponsiveness and create a channel through which the energy flow at the cellular level and promoting alignment.
  5. Yoni massage for ultimate emotional release.

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Improve emotional stability through the release of negative emotions

Image result for mal weeraratneMal Weerarante, author of ‘Emotional Detox through bodywork – A Woman’s Guide to healing and awakening’ which is visionary take on the usual self-help guides, explains how go about releasing negative emotions which have become stuck within the body by using fascinating alternative methods of both Tantric and Tao techniques. Mal Weerarante has had the opportunity during his practicing career to treat thousands of clients, both men and women, and has also been teaching his pioneering techniques world-wide to those who are interested in partaking in the experience, understanding and knowledge of Tantra. For years Mal has been approached to share his wealth of knowledge in this arena and so in order to share his insights and truly get to know and understand the essence of these two symbiotic techniques, why not experience for yourself, these ancient healing arts with Mal Weerarante by attending his public workshops?

When he made the decision to host these public workshops, Mal Weerarante’s goal was to teach these unique practices which he demonstrates himself, along with aid of his qualified Tantric Journey assistants, who have been qualified as Tantric Journey practitioners at the training academy. Mal explains that ‘familiarity with Tantra can help a person enjoy life to the fullest’; by harnessing sexual energy the three bodies, spiritual, physical and psychological, are re-energized and balanced improving the functionality of all of these aspects of the body, and improving emotional stability through the release of negative emotions.

For anyone interesting in attending a workshop with Mal Weerarante but who may still have questions about the practice, attend one of the public talks which are held, purchase a copy of the book “Emotional Detox through Bodywork – A Woman’s Guide to healing and awakening” or perhaps book a massage at the practice which is based in Hammarsmith, London. Engaging with others who have experienced the success of emotional release can be useful in understanding and trusting the process. Mal Weerarante is humbled to be considered an expert in his field and as such has commitment himself to the education and sharing of his years of experience, around the world, and at Tao Gardens in Thailand, with those who, like him, are interested in sustainable healing techniques. Having dedicated over decades to his research, treatment and teaching his revolutionary emotional release Tantric Journey practice.

In his book, Mal Weeraratne, shares how to unblock a woman’s ultimate energetic potential physically and emotionally. The book, focused on woman, provides a guide for woman on how to take control of their bodies in order to facilitate the removal of negative emotions which are stored in the body, which he refers to as trauma. Stored trauma must be released so that a woman can move forward to a more empowered person. Dragging trauma only with you through your live, only serves to slow down your emotional, spiritual and psychological growth and development and when left to gather in the body for longer periods, will eventually not only lead to sadness and depression, but ultimately illness. Releasing the trauma is the key to becoming a more engaged and happy individual. Eliminate traumatic experiences at a cellular level in the body and begin to experience a more positive life.

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