Is your company preparing to host an event that needs to truly impress your clients? Is your sales force in line for an incentive bonus to show them that they are well appreciated for meeting their sales targets? Is it time to celebrate the anniversary of your company? When it comes to treating your staff and clients, nothing could be as lackluster as holding your event in the office again. Show your best side and prepare an event that hasn’t been done before and really show your business partners what you are all about.
Wondering what the easiest and most cost-effective way of putting on a show to impress the rest is? Something original, dependable, while still offering flexibility? What about somewhere with a dance floor lit up with colourful lights and a DJ or even a live band? Yet something with enough space to provide a separate quiet space for guests who aren’t in the mood to put on their dancing shoes. Something that will let you go to town with all the bells and whistles and still provide a space that is warm and cosy, without costing your company all the profit you have just accrued during the year!
DIY Marquees offers the most superior range of marquees, including Green commercial grade marquees with the capacity to attain all of your functional needs for the event of the year. If you are wondering how to make a marquee the ultimate function location, go along to the website and take a look at the multitude of options which are available to you both in terms of the marquee itself, its size, dimensions and structure as well as all of the accessories that DIY Marquees offer to ensure that the marquee you choose has all of the components that you need. The website will show you to the interactive marquee planner which allows you to play around with the style, size and features of the marquee that will suit you best. Once you have decided, click on your option to choose the extras that you will need. Extras include roof linings, roof walls and curtain linings, roof, wall, curtain and swag linings, and carpet flooring, white and retro festoons or chandelier lighting and door frames. Chose online and immediately receive the cost and add to your cart.
Now that the marquee and accessories have been chosen, the questions is: how do you the power your marquee to accommodate the DJ, food and drinks, lighting, not to mention how to ensure that you can provide heating to the marquee. Simple ways to power your marquee which can all be done safely are either to try running extensions leads run from a main building to the marquee, making sure to over the leads so that guests and staff do not accidentally trip on them. Remember to run the leads from behind the marquee where possible. Or, you can establish a large mains supply which can be temporarily connected from a building to the marquee (electrician required) or use a generator. All options will allow you to light up your function successfully.